Monday, February 12, 2007

My dirtbike

Yesterday, I finally got to ride the dirtbike that I got for Christmas. I will be the first to admit that I ride like a girl. Hello!!?! I AM a girl and I'm going to ride like one, thank you very much! We went and rode at the Zars Ranch. It is a beautiful area just south of San Antonio. In fact, the San Antonio river borders this ranch. For someone that hasn't been able to ride for almost 5 years, the ravines were a little tough. I don't mind climbing out, but going down the side is a bit unnerving. For now, I am still pulling out cactus thorns. Ouch!


  1. You go, girl! ...A dirtbike!... I am so proud of you! I always swore that I would have a Harley by the age of 30. Well, 30 came and went. -No Harley! Maybe there is still hope for me!!! :)

  2. Ouch! So, I did not know that you are a biker babe! Yeah!!
    Smiles, Karen


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