Monday, May 26, 2008

My baby bird

Our youngest son left the nest this weekend *sniff, sniff*. He had been commuting an hour each way for the last 3 months to his new job. He can live in a nice apartment for what he was paying in gasoline. He decided that college wasn't for him - and I guess it's not for everyone. He has a nice job that will allow him to live on his own comfortably.

It's nice to see my sweet son grown and on his own, but we sure am going to miss him! Now, it's going to be US commuting back and forth LOL! Our oldest son is still at home attending college until next May. I cherish each moment. It sure is going to be tough when the nest is empty!


  1. I know it's hard on mama birds when their younglings leave the nest. My sister had 4 leave the nest to try out their wings. :-)

    I'm afraid I don't know much about S.C. except of course for Charleston, (which I'd love to visit and if you get a chance...GO!). We did get just across the border off I26 into a sweet little town called Landrum, but I'm not sure where 20 and 10 are in relation to 26.

    We had a really good teme and are already talking about planning to do it again, maybe in a different direction. ;-)

    Tell your sister... gas $200, sister bonding time priceless. LOL


  2. Awww...cyber hugs...I still have a few more years to go, but I'll probably be back then and need a shoulder ;o) check out my blog for ebay's latest nail in my coffin

  3. Oooh, I've been thinking about that lately--with the kids getting so old! lol Next year we will have a soph and a junior...time flies by so fast. I feel for you. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.
    Smiles and Hugs, Karen

  4. I know how you feel, my oldest just left for Basic Training a couple of months ago. Middle one will be a senior this year, but I do have my youngest, who is just turning 7. It is so hard letting go.


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