Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Today is my Etsyversary!

It's been two years since I first ventured onto the wonderful website of Etsy.com

Etsy, is by far my favorite selling and buying venue. You meet the nicest folks there. The atmosphere and talent is excellent. I started on Etsy when it was still in its beta version and it has grown so nicely.

In honor of my Etsyversary, I have put a number of items on sale. I plan to leave them on sale for the remainder of the week so if there is something you've had your eye on, you just might want to stop by and check out my shop!


  1. Happy etsy-versary Teresa! I checked out your shop and bought Emily from you:)

    Sandy xox

  2. Thanks, Sandy! You are such a sweetie!!


  3. HAHA! that is so hilarous. do you really think Ted would have great pieces? lol.

  4. thank you for stopping by my blog...hope your friends and family are safe and my thoughts are with them, the loss of my electric is nothing compared to what they have dealt with......
    take care~kim
    ps...LOVE YOUR BANNER...

  5. Happy anniversary!!! I absolutely love your Halloween Banner! Do yo do them yourself? Very cool.
    Pam (wearing depends:-)

  6. So that's your secret - wear Depends! Great idea. I wouldn't want my chair to get soggy. LOL!

    Sandy of BlogBannerQueen made my awesome banner. She's on Etsy. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5561335 I won the banner through a Halloween art contest and she supplied the prize. I am so delighted!

  7. Happy anniversary! You have two wonderful shops!!!!


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