Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye, 2008!

Goodbye, 2008! We are saying hello to the new, fresh 2009. I don't know about you, but 2008 was a bit rocky in places for us. At some points, I felt like the rug had been ripped from under my feet. Some aspects were nice. Our boys are now young men. They have both moved out (kinda nice, actually). It hasn't been difficult since they still live so close. It would have ripped my heart out if they were far away and I didn't get to see them! I am hoping that the new, 2009 has wonderful things in store for all of us.


  1. Happy New Year! Take it from me, it IS hard when they are not close by. Thank goodness my middle one has decided to go to the university in our city! Best of everything to you in 2009

  2. Happy New Year!

    Artful Blessings,

  3. And a Happy New Year to you, too!!

  4. Happy New Year Teresa! I was so bad tis year and didnt' get around to wish a lot of friends Merry CHristmas or Happy New YeEar but I'm here now, albeit a bit belated! I hope your holidays have been everything you hoped them to be. I'm glad your boys are near by. We just got back from a big family get togethert with out of town family and it was so nice, sure wish they weren't so far away.

    I love the picture of you!!! Now I have such a pretty face to go with the person and the voice!We're praying for a good 2009 for everyone!


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