Monday, October 22, 2012

Fredericksburg was FUN!

For my birthday, Howard took me to Fredericksburg and our first stop was lunch.
We found a cute German restaurant on the west side of town.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so we ate outside. It was just like when we were in Germany last year. Brought back some really fun memories. The food was good, but it wasn't quite as good as what we had over there. The wine, however, did not disappoint.
photo courtesty of Shannon, Rusty and Redone
After our marvelous lunch, we drove over to Smitten so that I could check it out. I had seen lots of pictures on the internet about it.

I wanted to meet Shannon and fortunately she was working in the store. I even ran into her the next day when we went out to Fredericksburg Trade Days. It's a small world and she is such a pleasant person.
Smitten had lots of things that I love.

I took other pictures, but they didn't all come out very well. I am NOT a photographer. Not only that, I can't see the pictures on the camera without my reading glasses on so I don't know if they came out okay until I put the card into the laptop to see them big.
Shannon gave me a list of places to shop. I found lots of goodies at the Thrift Shop that she told me about. Thanks so much, Shannon!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great husband and so glad you had a terrific time on your birthday.


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